李双林说耳朵面相 李双林说面相全集

2024-06-07 11:47:55
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The shape and size of the ear provide clues about a person's energy and vitality. Large ears symbolize strong will and perseverance, while small ears indicate sensitivity and intuition. Pointed ears suggest sharpness and quick thinking, whereas round ears represent harmony and balance.

Ear Lobe

The earlobe is an important Indicator of longevity and well-being. A thick and fleshy earlobe is associated with good health and prosperity. A thin or split earlobe may indicate physical or financial challenges.

Helix and Antihelix

The helix is the outer rim of the ear, and the antihelix is the ridge inside it. A prominent helix suggests high self-esteem and leadership abilities. A strong antihelix is linked to determination and endurance.


The earlines, or folds within the ear, can reveal a person's emotional disposition. Clear and defined earlines indicate emotional stability and control. Indistinct or broken earlines may suggest a tendency towards anxiety or instability.


The position of the ear relative to the head also holds significance. Ears that are high on the head are associated with intelligence and ambition. Ears that are low on the head may indicate a more practical and grounded nature.

The color and texture of the ears can also provide insights. Pink ears symbolize good circulation and vitality. Pale ears may indicate anemia or health concerns. Smooth ears are associated with gentleness and diplomacy, while rough ears may suggest a more assertive or fiery personality.

Li Shuanglin cites the example of a person with large, pointed ears. Such a person is likely to possess a sharp mind and a strong drive for success. However, they may also be prone to impatience and irritability.

Another example is a person with thick earlobes and a strong helix. This individual is likely to enjoy good health and longevity, and they may possess leadership abilities and a strong work ethic.


By analyzing the various aspects of the ear, Li Shuanglin believes we can gain valuable insights into a person's character, health, and life trajectory. However, he emphasizes that ear physiognomy is only one aspect of a comprehensive character analysis and should be considered in conjunction with other facial features and body language cues.